Children need an abundance of nutrients (new-tree-ents).  Nutrients are chemical compounds in food that keep the body in good health. Each nutrient has a different role in the body but together they promote balance.


  1. Protein (Pro-teen)

Children need protein to build muscle, grow thick hair, grow strong nails and repair tissues when they are injured. Not getting enough protein in the diet causes children’s hair to fall out, nails to become weak, muscles to be undeveloped and cuts to heal slowly.

Children should eat or drink at least one of the following foods: whole milk, plain yoghurt, fish, chicken, eggs, beef, beans, nuts or soya at every meal to get protein every day.

  1. Carbohydrate (Car-bo-hy-dray-ates)

Carbohydrates provide the body with sugar that is used by the brain as energy. This energy, allows children to be alert and active throughout the day. Not getting enough carbohydrates in the diet causes children to be tired, sleepy and mentally drained.Children should eat at least one of the following foods: bread, sada roti, rice, macaroni, potato, breadfruit, cornflakes, oatmeal, cassava or corn at every meal to get enough carbohydrates every day.

  1. Fat

Children need fat to help stay warm and protect the brain, heart and lungs from injury. Fats also provide the body with a lot of energy that is stored and because of this, food with fat should be eaten in small amounts.

Foods that have fat are butter, margarine, streaky bacon, olives, ackee, soybean oil, mayonnaise, zaboca, coconut milk and peanut butter.

Altogether, foods containing these three nutrients should form the base of children’s daily diet. Doing so ensures the children have the basic foundation needed to be healthy.


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The information provided in this article is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.

This legal disclaimer applies for ALL the articles written by the author Seychelle. S. Grant R.D.